Category Archives: Desserts


My supervisor! Miss Ethel

I have had a blast today, shopping at the Aisian Markets in Houston.  I actually save 150 dollars by bargin shopping and have stocked my pantry with the necessary items.  You will not believe this, but Napa cabbage, on sale, for ten cents a pound I bought 30 pounds and am making Kimchee for future use.  I am also making Cortido just because along with grinding pork and beef for freezing. At 99 cents a pound, I bought a lot of the beef and pork. Thank god for my KitchenAide mixer with attachments! 

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I also have a 25 pound bag of potatoes that I bought for 99 cents.  So, I am making Gnochi simply because I can and backing it up with this sauce. i do refuse to pay 5 dollars for two tomatoes at HEB, therefore, my Victory Garden is producing a lot for me and mine.  By the way, Hubert E Butts, HEB, was a native of Memphis, Tennessee along with Mr. Sanders of Piggly Wiggly fame.  I am so glad to be a native Memphian. 

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So, to the nitty gritty.  Today, it’s Saturday and I am in the creative mode.  Shopping is done and now it is time for chopping.  Miss Ethel has some new boxes to play in and Mr. Humphrey is wathching old Western Movies on the Tele.  

Today, I have Pinto beans soaking in one pot and butter beans in another. Tonight, I am making thisbeef dish along with this Strawberries and Cream Cobbler!  it is really tasty! Today, I have Pinto beans soaking in one pot and butter beans in another. Tonight, I am making thisbeef dish along with this Strawberries and Cream Cobbler!  it is really tasty!

Peach Cobbler

What is the South without a cobbler on the table? Cobbler are a mainstay below the Mason Dixon and when the fresh fruits are in season it’s nary a day that goes by without something like this coming out of my kitchen.
Living in the city though, it’s a challenge to find good fruit at times. So, I do a lot of canning in the summer and fall so I can have these scrumptious things throughout the year.
First off, take the peaches, if they are fresh, and get the fuzzy skin off. I cut them in chunks and put them together in a bowl covered with the sugar to let them develop a natural juice. Don’t get too upset as I also do fermentation and have things sitting around, like Kimchee and Pickled Vegetables that take a while and this only leaves the peaches out for an hour or so.
While that’s happening, continue on with the rest of the meal as this needs to be served hot out of the oven.
8 fresh peaches – peeled, pitted and sliced into thin wedges
1/4 cup white sugar
1/4 cup brown sugar
1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/8 teaspoon ground nutmeg

Come back to the bowl and add in your lemon juice and cornstarch and let it set for about ten minutes

1 teaspoon fresh lemon juice
2 teaspoons cornstarch

Heat your oven up to 425 and get the peaches in their juice in a nice large cast iron skillet or a baking dish. I have my Great Grandmothers well-seasoned skillet for days like this. Put them in the oven and let them get to temperature.
Meanwhile, make your biscuit dumplings to go on top of the cobbler. In a large bowl, combine flour, 1/4 cup white sugar, 1/4 cup brown sugar, baking powder, and salt. Blend in butter with your fingertips, or a pastry blender, until mixture resembles coarse meal. Stir in water until just combined.

1 cup all-purpose flour
1/4 cup white sugar
1/4 cup brown sugar
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
6 tablespoons unsalted butter, chilled and cut into small pieces
1/4 cup boiling water

When the skillet with the peaches gets hot and bubbly in the oven, take it out and add the biscuit dumplings to it and put it back in the over for thirty minutes. Your topping should be golden brown and sweet!

Hope you got some Ice Cream because it’s really good!